Thursday, May 25, 2006


I love Spring. Today was one of those days where the temps were comfortable, the skies broke open with downpours every so often, and it just felt good to be alive.

Over the TopI also got caught walking a long way to my car today while running errands and ended up soaking wet. It was frustrating until I realized that getting wet was a childhood pastime and I should enjoy it. How quickly life passes us by, and I'm only 33!

Humid DuskJust as the sun was setting I got outside with my kids and took a few pictures. What a gorgeous evening full of ripe green leaves and pink clouds, warm air and the sound of birds. I just wiped off a lawn chair so I can go out in the dark and breathe in the late evening. When you get a chance, I hope you can do the same.

You can click on the pictures for larger versions.

Wet Path


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